
Mindreader is easily the most intense, thrilling theatrical experience I’ve ever had, and I can’t wait to do it again.
— Tom Lawler, Chicago Now

Players walk through a mysterious lair one at a time, verbally sparring with professional improvisers. A wrong move spells death and a return to the lobby. Only the cleverest players can get past all characters and into the final room, where they must rescue a hostage from the villain.

The twist: players can read the minds of the characters. Each actor has a corresponding voice actor hiding behind a curtain, speaking into a PA system. The voice actor conveys the character's thoughts, allowing the player to manipulate the character by knowing the his secrets.

Length:  30 minutes
Event:    Theatrical Experience
Players: General Public
Cocreator: Clayton Margeson

Mindreader was created for the Public House Theatre in Chicago.